Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 4:15 AM /
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Today is going to be a day of appeasement and of spiritual renewal, Desmond. The combination of the Pope and Death encourages displays of affection and outburst of tender feelings. You will experience some very happy hours today and successfully avoid anyone who might be a source of discontent and tension. Sincerity and happiness are the keywords today, and you have every reason to believe that this does you a world of good. In your professional life, you are hampered by a total lack of certainty, which causes you to take inordinate amounts of time before reaching any decisions. It is the Lovers that instill doubt and uncertainty into your mind… However, you can rely on the support of those around you, who are symbolized by the Pope. He stands for sincere friendships and genuine, supportive colleagues and associates in your work environment. It's time to trust others and take their good advice - you are in good company!